Majority of 3M Qualified e-Signature Certificates in Lithuania Issued by SK

88 per cent of all qualified e-signature certificates issued for Lithuanian citizens in 2023 were with Smart-ID and Mobile-ID, up from 80,2 per cent in 2022. The total number of valid certificates in the country surpassed 3 million last year.

The report on Trust Services in Lithuania by the Communication Regulatory Authority (RRT) revealed that by the end of 2023, the number of valid qualified e-signature certificates issued to Lithuanian residents reached 3 016 658. The number of certificates issued with SK’s services was 2 655 099; of these, 2 189 321 were with Smart-ID, and 465 778 with Mobile-ID.

Viktoras Kamarevcevas, Country Manager of SK ID Solutions Lithuanian branch, highlights the growing use of qualified e-signatures as a clear sign of the increasing value placed on cybersecurity by residents: “Safety is a top priority for Lithuanians in the digital space. The use of qualified e-signatures for accessing e-services, signing documents, confirming payments, and other online actions, ensures a sense of security. It’s encouraging to see that the desire for greater safety is demonstrated not just in words but also in actions, with most residents already having at least one signing tool.”.

SK’s internal data shows that one person performs 26 transactions per month using Mobile-ID, while Smart-ID users perform 21, for a total of 47 monthly transactions.

Additionally, Kamarevcevas notes the growing trend of residents using multiple signing tools: “Different communication channels are used in different tools, which is especially relevant for frequent travelers. For instance, transactions with Mobile-ID are confirmed via SMS, while Smart-ID needs an internet connection. This makes Mobile-ID useful for those who only have mobile access during travel, and Smart-ID beneficial for those with internet access but no mobile coverage.”

However, he emphasized that security should be prioritized not only by residents but also by the public sector. The new law that came into effect in January is expected to enforce using secure tools for accessing e-services.

“The RRT data shows that many residents still do not use qualified e-signatures because they have no place to do so. Expanding the use of such tools in the public sector would not only encourage residents to access state e-services conveniently but also help protect against various cyber risks, such as data theft and unauthorized access to e-services,” Kamarevcevas added.

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