Certification Hierarchy

SK ID Solutions is currently using 4 different certificate chains:

  • EE Certification Centre Root CA (EECCRCA)
  • EE-GOVCA2018
  • SK ID Solutions ROOT G1E (Elliptic Curve CA is active, issuing)
  • SK ID Solutions ROOT G1R (RSA CA not issuing, backup)

The relations between root certificates and their subordinate CAs and the services (end-entity) are shown on the following figures below.

EECCRCA CHAIN (2010 – 2030)


EE-GOVCA2018 CHAIN (2018 – 2033)



There are two ROOT G1 chains in parallel. One uses Elliptic Curve Cryptography (SK ID Solutions ROOT G1E) and other is based on RSA (SK ID Solutions ROOT GR).

SK ID Solutions ROOT G1E CA (ECC) is active issuing CA and associated intermediate CAs are used to issue end-entity certificates. 

RSA CA chain is not actively issuing any end-entity certificates.

PS. SK TSA CA 2023E, SK TSA CA 2023R and ORG 2021E  are in active use.
Other issuing CAs (EID-Q 2021E, EID-Q 2024E and EID-NQ 2021E) will be taken into use when all the applicable legal and technical requirements are met.

For more info see SK Github.