
Smart-ID by SK ID Solutions is a secure and intuitive solution that empowers both end-users and businesses. As a business, you can securely authenticate customers and enable legally binding electronic signatures effortlessly with Smart-ID. Trusted by millions of Europeans and over 1000 businesses, Smart-ID offers the fastest, easiest, and most secure solution for reliable and efficient customer authentication and electronic signatures.

  • Strong authentication
  • Intuitve user experience
  • Free from geographical limits
  • Signatures recognized in every EU country
  • Trusted by states and international finacial institutions
  • Easy and fast implementation

Thanks to Smart-ID, service providers can effortlessly provide their clients with unparalleled security, ease, and confidence. With its advanced features and cutting-edge technology, Smart-ID helps businesses stay ahead of the curve while streamlining complex identity verification processes for an exceptional client experience.

According to survey company Kantar Emor, Smart-ID is recognized as one of Estonia’s most cherished and esteemed brands, selected by Estonians as one of the TOP 5 most likable brands for several years.

users in Estonia
users in Latvia
users in Lithuania

Smart-ID in your e-service

Smart-ID is an universal solution suitable for every e-service. Fast and easy implementation helps to get the service up and running in just couple of days. Here you can also order access for DigiDoc4 client and RIA DigiDoc mobile application for business purposes and get unlimited signatures.

EU Trrust Mark
Smart-ID service is compliant with the eIDAS regulation and included in the European Trusted List.

Success Story

Smart-ID helps Icelanders to
enjoy digital life to the fullest

Smart-ID is much more than just a mobile app used by over 3.3 million people in Baltic states in their daily lives. It’s a technology that can be used for all the electronic identity needs by any country. In Iceland Smart-ID technology is used under the brand Auðkenni, and is available there since 2020. In 2023 SK ID Solutions provided an automated biometrical onboarding solution to Auðkenni, so the Icelanders now have this online registering functionality for the new users available in the Auðkenni app.

  • Auðkenni app is trusted by all the banks in Iceland
  • Can be used in both public and private sector e-service providers
  • The number of active accounts grew over 3 times in just one year