SK is developing integrated and innovative Mobile-ID solution for export


Certification Centre (SK) has developed an integrated Mobile-ID solution within the framework of a project* called “Development of Export oriented All-In-One Mobile-ID solution: EX-mID” that can be offered as a service to foreign markets.


The project is being financed by Norway Grantsfunds. The planned development project will have a significant impact on the natural, social and economic environment by helping to achieve significant resource savings.

This is a solution that is interdisciplinary in the context of the Estonian-Norwegian programme’s focus of supporting environmentally friendly entrepreneurialism (e.g. e-health; transport and logistics; energy; manufacturing and commerce) and impacts all parties related to the priority fields of activity.

SK’s development partner in the project is an Estonian software company Cybernetica AS.

* Project number EU47200 and period 01.08.2014-31.01.2016.

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